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The Top 5 Differences Between Brazilian Blowout and Keratin Hair Straightening Treatments

Updated: Sep 15, 2023

Not having to worry about styling your hair for months at a time is a wonderful thing! But, if you want to know all things Brazilian blowout vs Keratin, you’ve come to the right place!

I'm here to give you the expert low-down on the main differences between two of the most popular - the Brazilian blowout and keratin hair straightening treatments.

If all you want this summer and beyond is a style that will stay, read on for everything you need to know to make the best decision for you!

Bottle of Brazilian Blowout shampoo designed to maintain smooth and frizz-free hair.

Brazilian Blowout vs Keratin Difference #1 - Solution Used

Brazilian blowouts use a formaldehyde-based solution to help straighten your hair, while keratins use formaldehyde-free solutions.

There is much controversy surrounding the use of formaldehyde and the safety of the gas in the Brazilian blowout solution. So, it is advised for your hairstylist to have a well-ventilated space.

But fear not, if this worries you, there are also Brazilian solutions that are formaldehyde-free.

Note: At my salon,

( I use ONLY formaldehyde-free solutions for my Brazilians! The safety of my clients at Fusion Hair Salon ,Orlando is of utmost importance. My salon is well-ventilated and most come back for their second, and third….)

Brazilian Blowout vs Keratin Difference #2 - Cost

Brazilian blowouts are typically more expensive than keratin treatments.

Brazilian blowouts can range from $200 USD to $500 USD. While keratin treatments are usually around $100 USD to $300 USD.

Tip: Price usually increases with hair length.

However, it is vital to note that considering how long Brazilian blowouts last, the extra cost is well worth the investment!

Brazilian Blowout vs Keratin Difference #3 - Process

While at the salon, Brazilian blowouts take about 90 minutes to complete, while keratin treatments can take up to three hours.

After your treatment, Brazilian blowouts usually require you to wait three days before washing your hair, while keratin treatments require you to wait two days.

Tip: The process is dependent on what hair type you have. Not only that but the quality of solutions used by the stylist as well.

Brazilian Blowout before and after comparison of a woman's hair: on the left, curly and frizzy; on the right, smooth and shiny after a Brazilian Blowout.

Brazilian Blowout vs Keratin Difference #4 - Results

Brazilian blowouts last anywhere from three to six months, while keratin treatments last up to around two months.

Brazilian blowouts last longer because the solution used smooths the hair shaft and helps to protect against damage from heat styling. Keratin treatments, on the other hand, can simply make your hair appear shiny and less frizzy.

The Brazilian is also favored as being the more versatile option, sitting lighter on your hair than the Keratin hair straightening treatments.

Lastly, when new hair grows out, the weight of the Brazilian treatment makes for some wonderful waves!

Brazilian Blowout vs Keratin Difference #5 - Maintenance

Brazilian blowouts require you to use a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner, while keratin treatments do not have this requirement.

Tip: It is advised whenever getting any treatments done to consult your stylist. Make sure to use the best/most recommended products to extend the life of your hair investment!

Wrapping Up

So, there you have it!

The five main differences between Brazilian blowouts and keratin hair straightening treatments.

I hope this article has helped you decide which treatment is right for you. Let me know in the comments below which option you will be choosing!

And, if you decide to go with the Brazilian blowout (great choice by the way), get in touch and I would be happy to schedule you in and help make those unruly hair days a distant memory!

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